This months has been a pretty quiet month on the painting front here at the studio. Instead I have been focusing on admin and building my new mobile studio.
The admin of which I speak being things like exactly this; writing a blog posts. It has been at the back of my mind for a while that a monthly studio diary (or newsletter you could also call it) might be interesting to write both for myself and for others but as writing blog post always seams to demand way more mental energy (and intimidates me more than I like to admit) it always gets put on the back burner. I think this blog is a really good way for me to communicate with you all as well as a great way for me to work through my ideas and help my website get seen by more people, thus making my journey as a nomadic miniature artist more sustainable in the long run.

Last month I went adventuring and drove down to Portugal exploring many exciting places, collecting materials for art making and visiting friends and family I had not seen in four years.
As soon as I got back I got busy redesigning my work space and ordered a standing desk as my back had got into a really bad state from many hours painting sat down with bad posture.

I have been super busy this month, and will be the next couple of months, working on my new mobile studio and getting it all ready so that I can be on the road by next spring.
With my computer having finally died on me after 11 years of faithful service and the power being disconnected from the site where my current mobile studio is based the urgency of finishing this totally off grid studio set up has kicked in big time.

So I have been dipping my toes into the daunting and exciting universe of setting up a 12v system to power the lights, compressor and extractor fan in studio amongst other things.
Here is a sneak peak.
Unfortunately due to computer death its going to be a bit of a challenge for me to sort and edit photos from the camera proper so until I can afford a replacement I will have to make do with photos from my phone.

While I was travelling I had plans for doing artworks along the way but it never quite materialised. I did however gather many different materials for basing etc and collected stones that may or may not be good for making pigments with as one of the things on my ‘I would really love to do this’ list is to make my own paints from scratch. When and where that will happen is still an unknown but there was something lovely in collecting small amounts of stone along the way with the idea of painting with them.

The only painting I got done in October was finishing this set of D&D miniatures for a client.
When I am able to access my better quality photos of this bunch I will show you some more photos.

And finally I have been busy making some cube/dice/fidgetty things to donate to the Trans giving parcels to be sent out to trans folks this festive season with the aim of making sure they get trans affirming gifts.
It’s a great project and I totally recommend checking them out in this link.
Another great project you may be interested in is https://transaid.cymru/

November is starting with some miniature prep out side to make the most of the last of the sunny days.
Hope you found this interesting till next time happy gaming and painting.